Sunday, December 4, 2005


There is a line in one of favorite songs-Mayakkama Kalakkama-which goes like this...

Unakkum Keezhae Ullavar Kodi...Ninaithu Parthu Nimmathi Naadu...

This translates into something like this:

There are crores of people even below you...think of it and seek peace.

This might sound like a very cynical way of seeking peace, but I rediscovered the meaning of this over the last week. I had the opportunity to interact people from different walks of life at one place. When these people discussed their problems with me, I got a sense of real guilt-what I used to call as my problems were not problems at all when compared to the magnitude of problems these people were talking about. And most of them had successfully come out of it (infact I knew some of them for some time and not in my wildest dreams could I have guessed their burdens from their demeanour). Now my problems really seem lighter...almost comical when I think about them:).

1 comment:

  1. I'm tempted to quote this. I dont remember the author or the quote exactly. It goes something like, "I cried for shoes till I saw a person without legs"
