From: prasanna s
Date: Feb 13, 2006 1:09 PM
Subject: Feb 13th Treat status.
To: softthinkers
Hi all,
I have been told by Murr that there are a few changes in the scheme of things for the treat that we had planned.
1.The sponsor is now changed from Baghu and miss.x
2. The reason of treat now changed from Introduction of miss.x
Welcoming back Baghu to the elite group of singles.
3. Date now changed from 13th February
'Yet to be decided'
4. Venue no change i.e. 'Yet to be decided'..
Murugu will send a detailed mail regarding the same shortly.
@Murr : is this all fine?
and my reply is "Baghu, You suck!!!"
One should appreciate the amount of interest he generated in all of us with his statement and I admit to have given in for his glib lies. Does he really suck?