Sunday, June 26, 2005

God is subtle, but he is never vicious:)

I decided looong back that I will have this status message on Yahoo,the day the High Court delivers the verdict quashing the dim-witted fancies of the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu-rendering entrance exams obsolete purely for electoral gains uncaring for either the students nor the universities who are the actual stake holders. That day is today. I will write about my experience in driving an opposition to this (which I felt was the right thing to do) in some other entry. As of now, anyone who cares to ask me will get an icecream treat today:).

1 comment:

  1. Sharma,
    Expressing my eager to hear u'r experience on driving opposition & ensuring icecream treat, I wud like to give my opinion on this topic.
    Abolishing entrance this year itself wud make the effort of all the students, who spent their valuable time & energy on it instead of just preparing for their board exams, useless.
